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CC Antya 3.15

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


paṇḍita hañā mane kene vicāra nā kara?
rāṇḍī brāhmaṇīra bālake prīti kene kara?


paṇḍita hañā — being a learned teacher; mane — in the mind; kene — why; vicāra kara — do You not consider; rāṇḍī brāhmaṇīra — of a widowed wife of a brāhmaṇa; bālake — unto the son; prīti — affection; kene kara — why do You show.


“Dear Lord, You are a learned teacher. Why then don’t You consider that this boy is the son of a widowed brāhmaṇī? Why are You so affectionate to him?