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CC Antya 1.2

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


durgame pathi me ‘ndhasya
skhalat-pāda-gater muhuḥ
santaḥ santv avalambanam


durgame—very difficult; pathi—on the path; me—of me; andhasya—one who is blind; skhalat—slipping; pāda—on feet; gateḥ—whose manner of moving; muhuḥ—again and again; sva-kṛpā—of their own mercy; yaṣṭi—the stick; dānena—by giving; santaḥ—those saintly persons; santu—let that become; avalambanam—my support.


My path is very difficult. I am blind, and my feet are slipping again and again. Therefore, may the saints help me by granting me the stick of their mercy as my support.

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