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720721 - Letter to Govardhan written from Paris

Revision as of 10:30, 29 March 2008 by Acyuta (talk | contribs) (1 revision(s))
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My dear Govardhan,

Please accept my blessings. Upon the recommendation of Sriman Bhagavan das, I have consented to accept as my duly initiated disciples both Srimati Jayaradhe Devi Dasi and Srimati Krsnamayi Devi Dasi, and I have also consented to give Gayatri mantra to Srimati Trisakti Devi Dasi and Srimati Krpamayi Devi Dasi. Enclosed please find two copies of gayatri mantra. The beads have been sent under separate post. Now you can hold a fire yajna for all four students, and give Gayatri mantra to Trisakti and Krpamayi. There is a tape of me reciting gayatri mantra there in Detroit, so you can play it for these two girls, through earphones into the right ear.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Sriman Govardhan Das Adhikary

ISKCON Detroit

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