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730315 - Letter to Jayatirtha written from Calcutta

Revision as of 10:32, 29 March 2008 by Acyuta (talk | contribs) (1 revision(s))
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My Dear Jayatirtha,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge of your letter dated March 7th.

Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious. Yes, I will be glad to attend an engagement in a hall filled with 4,000 people, but I cannot fix a date for my arrival in L.A. at this moment. By the 16th I shall be going to Mayapur and then on the 22nd to Hyderabad until the 26th to Bombay. After that my program is not presently fixed up.

Yes, because you have recommended them I accept all of the devotees for first and second initiations. The sacred threads will be coming under separate cover; for the others, their new names are listed below.

Larry - Laksmana das. Nancy - Rasaparayani dasi

Harold - Hasyayuk das Arlene - Kirtida Kanyaka.

Billy - Banamali das Gerry - Rasapurnada dasi.

Roy - Ramlal das Theresa -Tarani dasi.

Jim - Kuvera das Ronda - Revati dasi.

Bay - Bahloka das Cheryl- Saranagata dasi.

Mike - Mahajana das Cindy - Bhagavacittarupini dasi.

Hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. Template:LE Footer