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750914 - Letter to Hansadutta written from Vrndavana

Revision as of 10:37, 29 March 2008 by Acyuta (talk | contribs) (1 revision(s))
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Bhaktivedanta Manor

My Dear Hamsaduta das:

Please accept my blessings. The bearer of this letter is Sri Bagla who is the District Magistrate and Collector for the Mathura District. He has been very helpful to us in many ways for our Vrindaban Project. He is traveling with his wife, and I wish that you give him a very good reception. You should invite him to stay with you at Bhaktivedanta Manor and offer any assistance he may require while he is there in England.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Template:LE Footer