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751109 - Letter to Kapoorji written from Bombay

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Sri Kapoor ji

International Foundation of Meditation

44 Kailash Mandir

Kanpur 208001

My dear Kapoorji,

I thank you very much for your letter dated September 30, 1975 and also the one on the 22nd which has been forwarded to me. Yes, I left Vrndavana and went to Delhi, then Ahmedabad, then Bombay. And then I went to Mauritius, South Africa and again Mauritius where I met with a major motor accident in my car. All my men got slightly injured and they were saved by Krsna. The accident was very disastrous, but still Krsna saved. Anyway, then I went to Nairobi and from there I have come just the day before yesterday to Bombay. Perhaps I may stay here for some time for finishing our temple construction on this land.

So far the Vrndavana Gurukula is concerned, it is already named on the foundation stone as ISKCON Gurukula. Regarding the application of the Gurukula for recognition, kindly send me the necessary requisites for this purpose, but the land is not yet transferred, so we shall seriously think about these things when the land is actually obtained.

I hope the meets you in good health.

Yours sincerely,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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