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720104 - Letter to Hayagriva written from Bombay

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Sriman Hayagriva das Adhikary
ISKCON New Vrindaban
R.D. 3, Moundsville, West Virginia.

89, Warden Road, "Akash Ganga" Building, Bombay-26

My Dear Hayagriva,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 16th, 1971 along with an enclosed copy of a letter dated December 8th. addressed to Madras. Actually, I have come from Delhi to Bombay. So your letter addressed to Delhi was not received by me. So Shyamsundar is in Delhi and he is bringing letters so maybe your letter is there. Until he comes in two or three days I cannot say whether your letter is there or not. When he comes then I shall let you know. I was simply surprised not to hear from you in so long and therefore I am so much pleased to hear from you. May Krishna bless you for pushing on so sincerely our Krishna Consciousness Movement.

Please offer my blessings to all the inmates of New Vrindaban. Especially the younger generation and Samba. Also next time when I come to U.S.A. I wish to visit New Vrindaban positively to see how things are developing.

I hope this meet you well.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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