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CC Antya 6.287

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 287

eta bali' tāṅre punaḥ prasāda karilā
’govardhanera śilā', 'guñjā-mālā' tāṅre dilā


eta bali '—saying this; tāṅre—unto him; punaḥ—again; prasāda karilā—gave something in mercy; govardhanera śilā—a stone from Govardhana Hill; guñjā-mālā—a garland of small conchshells; tāṅre dilā—delivered to him.


After saying this, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu again bestowed His mercy upon Raghunātha dāsa by giving him a stone from Govardhana Hill and a garland of small conchshells.