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CC Madhya 16.139

Revision as of 07:21, 17 October 2021 by LilamadhuriGopi (talk | contribs)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 139

'pratijñā', 'sevā' chāḍibe,—e tomāra 'uddeśa'
se siddha ha-ila—chāḍi' āilā dūra deśa


pratijñā—the vow; sevā—and service; chāḍibe—will give up; e—this; tomāra—your; uddeśa—purpose; se—that; siddha—complete; ha-ila—has become; chāḍi '—giving up; āilā—have come; dūra deśa—to a distant place.


"You have abandoned Gopīnātha 's service and broken your vow to live in Purī. All that is now complete because you have come so far.