770810 - Letter to Members of the Mayapur Project Investigation Committee from Surabhirabhipalayantam
August 10, 1977
From: Surabhirabhipalayantam
Dear members of the Mayapur project investigation committee,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Rather then sending my progress report about Mayapur city I feel more inspired to write you something what is going on in Vrndavana especially about Srila Prabhupada. Actually, since my last letter to all of you hardly anything has happened (except the big incident). Neither was there any correspondence from your side. Only Hari Kesa Swami sent a long Letter to: all the members showing his worries. Things seem to have come to a stop, although Mr. Andreu from Paris will visit me on the 20th and from the side of the different engineers there is still interest, I am out of it.
Actually my intention was not at all to start this project. I simply wanted to study all the aspects. It was absolutely not at all my intention to contract firms. I have succeeded to create some interest among biggies in the field of engineering and architecture in the world. I have not contacted any contractor. All people concerned were consulting engineers. Contractors are different all together. Anyhow that is a technical detail.
I suggest to stop this investigation program till the next Mayapur meeting or any other suitable meeting to make any decision regarding these matters. I went to Vrndavana last week and Srila Prabhupada’s health has become worse than ever before. He requested us to consult an astrologer to find out what will happen because these ups and downs were extremely depressing him. Yasodanandana Swami went to Delhi to see one astrologer and myself went to Jaipur to see a numerologist (kind of). Both reports were quite similar. When I came back to Vrndavana His Divine Grace was eager to know what happened. He said, “Will I live?” I explained that the pandit had said that his disease was incurable by any medicine. It will last for 26 till 28 months of which have passed. The next three months would be the most critical in His life. Of these three months these nine days would be even worse. Anyhow he predicted that He will most probably travel around the world again after three months. Although His health would not permit him.
I know that it sounds strange that we have become dependent on this sort of people but Srila Prabhupada was extremely pleased with these reports. Tamal asked Srila Prabhupada whether these types of science were bonafide and His Divine Grace said “Yes.” Then Prabhupada asked whether He should take medicines and I told Him that the man said only fruit juice, tulasi leaf and milk from a black cow. Srila Prabhupada also liked that, and to me it felt that I had done something positive for His Divine Grace, because as He earlier remarked, “You are simply coming to Vrndavana to spend My money”, and so I felt useless.
Everything is very emotional nowadays, but Srila Prabhupada is on top of everything and it seems that He is even more aware about what really is going on although Tamal is taking away all the management headaches. Anyhow I feel very happy having had an opportunity to do some service although I realise more and more how conditioned I am. I hope to hear again from you all.
Your fallen servant,
- Surabhirabhipalayantam das Swami
- SDS/pdd
Please transfer $7000 to either Jayatirtha (London temple) or my brother Hari Krishna das (H.J. KEILMAN) who will purchase the goods. This is very very urgent. Do not delay please.