CC Antya 20.60 (1975)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- kānta-sevā-sukha-pūra, saṅgama haite sumadhura,
- tāte sākṣī--lakṣmī ṭhākurāṇī
- nārāyaṇa-hṛdi sthiti, tabu pāda-sevāya mati,
- sevā kare 'dāsī'-abhimānī
kānta-sevā-sukha-pūra—the service of the Lord is the home of happiness; saṅgama haite su-madhura—sweeter than direct union; tāte—in that; sākṣī—evidence; lakṣmī ṭhākurāṇī—the goddess of fortune; nārāyaṇa-hṛdi—on the heart of Nārāyaṇa; sthiti—situation; tabu—still; pāda-sevāya mati—her desire is to serve the lotus feet; sevā kare—renders service; dāsī-abhimānī—considering herself a maidservant.
"Service to My lover is the home of happiness and is more sweet than direct union with Him. The goddess of fortune is evidence of this, for although she constantly lives on the heart of Nārāyaṇa, she wants to render service to His lotus feet. She therefore considers herself a maidservant and serves Him constantly."