SB (1962) Seventh Chapter - The Son of Drona Punished
SB 1.7.1 (1962): Rishi Sounaka asked, "Oh Suta, Vyasdeva the great and transcendentally powerful heard everything from Sri Narada Muni. So after His departure, what did he do".
SB 1.7.2 (1962): On the western bank of the river Saraswati which is very much related with transcendental subjects like the Vedas etc., there is a cottage for meditation at Shamyamprahas which enlivens the transcendental activities of the sages.
SB 1.7.3 (1962): In that place Srila Vysadeva in His own Ashrama which was surrounded by trees of berries, sat down on meditation of mind after touching water for purification.
SB 1.7.4 (1962): Thus He fixed up His mind perfectly engaged in the linking up process of devotional service without any tinge of material affection and He saw the Absolute Personality of Godhead along with His external energy under full control.
SB 1.7.5 (1962): By whom the living entity, although transcendental to the three modes of material nature, thinks of himself as one of material products and thus undergoes the reaction of material miseries.
SB 1.7.6 (1962): Material miseries of the living entity, which are superfluous for him can be directly mitigated by the linking process of devotional service. But the mass of people do not know this and therefore the learned Vyasdeva compiled this Vedic literature which is in relation with the Supreme truth.
SB 1.7.7 (1962): Simply giving an aural reception to this Vedic literature the feelings for loving devotional service of the Lord Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sprouts up at once for extinguishing the fire of lamentation illusion and fearfulness.