SB 1.10.25 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 25
Yada hi adharmena tamodhiyo nripa Jibanti tatra esa hi satwatah kila Dhatte bhagam satyam ritam dayam yaso Bhavaya rupani dadhad yuge yuge.
Yada—when ever, Hi—assuredly, Adharmena—against the principles of God's will, Tamodhiyo—persons in the lowest grade of material quality, Nripa—kings and administrators, Jibanti—live like animals, Tatra—there upon, Esa—He, Hi—only, Satwatah—transcendental, Kila—certainly, Dhatte—becomes manifestive, Bhagam—supreme power, Satyam-truth, Ritam—positivism, Dayam—mercy, Yaso—wonderful activities, Bhavaya—for the maintenance rupani—in various forms, Dadhad—manifested, Yuge—different periods, Yuge—and ages.
Whenever there are kings and administrators in the lowest grade of material quality of life like animals, at that time the Lord in His transcendental Form certainly manifests His supreme power, truth positivism and special mercy upon the faithful, wonderful activities and thus manifested various transcendental forms as it is necessary in different periods and ages.
As mentioned above the cosmic creation is the property of the Supreme Lord. This is the basic philosophy of Ishopanishad that everything that be is the property of the Supreme Being. Nobody should encroach upon the property of the Supreme Lord but one should only accept what is kindly awarded by Him unto us. Therefore, the earth or any other planet or universe all are the absolute property of the Lord. The living beings, are certainly His parts and parcels or sons of the Supreme Lord and as such everyone of them has a right to live at the merey of the Lord for executing his prescribed work. Nobody can, therefore, encroach upon the right of another individual man or animal without being so sanctioned by the Lord. The king or the administrator is the representative of the Lord to look after the management of the Lord's will. He must therefore be an recognised person, like Maharaj Yudhisthir or Parikshit. Such kings have full responsibilty and knowledge from authorities about administration of the world. But at times due to the influence of the ignorance mode of material nature (tamaguna) or the lowest of the material modes, kings and administrators come into power without any knowledge and responsibility, and such foolish administrators live like animals for the sake of his own personal interest. The result is that the whole atmosphere becomes surcharged with anarchy and viceous elements. Nepotism, bribery, cheating, aggression and, therefore, famine epedemic, war and similar other disturbing features become prominent in the human society. Specifically the devotees of the Lord or the faithfuls are persecuted by all means. All these symptomes of the society indicate the time of incarnation of the Lord for re-establishing the principle of religion and to vanquish the maladministrators. This is also confirmed in the Bhagwat Geeta.
The Lord then appears in His transcendental Form without any tinge of material quality. He descends just to keep up the state of His creation in the normal condition. The normal condition is that the Lord has provided each and every planet in self sufficiency for all the needs of the native living being. They can happily live on and execute the predestined occupation to attain salvation at the end following the rules and regulations mentioned in the revealed scriptures. Practically the material world is created for satisfying the whims of the Nityabaddha or everlasting conditioned souls as much as naughty boys are provided with playing cradles otherwise there was no need of the material world. But when they become intoxicated with so called power of material science to exploit the resources unlawfully without any sanction of the Lord and that also only for the sense gratification, there is necessity of the Lord's incarnation to chastise the rebellions and to protect the faithfuls.
When He descends He exhibits superhuman acts just to prove His supreme right and materialists like Ravana, Hiranyakasipu, Kansa, etc are sufficiently punished. He acts in the manner which nobody can imitate. For example the Lord when he appeared as Rama He abridged the Indian Ocean. When He appeared as Krishna from His very childhood He showed superhuman activities in the matter of killing Putana, Aghasura, Sakatasura, Kaliya etc and then He killed His maternal uncle Kansa. When He was at Dwarka He married sixteen thousands one hundred and eight queens and all of them were blessed wiih sufficient number of children. The sum total of His family members (personal) aggregated to about one crores of population popularly known as the Yadubansa and again during His life time, He managed to vanquish them all. He is famous as the Goverdhandhari Hari because He lifted at the age of seven only the hill known as Goverdhan. The Lord killed so many undesirable kings at His time and as Kshatrriya He fought chivalrously in each and every time of His marriage. He is famous as the Asamordha uuparallel. Nobody is equal or greater than Him.