SB 1.10.34-35 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXTS No.'s 34 & 35
Kurujangalapanchalan surasenan sa yamunan Brahmavartam kurukshetram matsan saraswatan atha.
Marudhanwam atikramya soubira abhirayoh paran Anartan bhargava upagat srantabaho managbibhoh.
Kurujangalan—the province of Delhi, Panchalan—the province Punjab (Partly), Surasena—the province of Uttar Pradesh (partly), Sa—with, Yamunan—the districts on the bank of the Yamuna, Brahmabaram—Northern U.P. (partly), Kurukshetram—the place where the battle was fought, Matsan—the province Matsa, Saraswatan—Part of the Punjab, Atha—and so on, Maru—Rajasthan, the Land of desert, Dhanwa—Madhya Pradesh, where water is very scanty, Atikramya—after surpassing, Soubira—Sourastra, Abhirayoh—Part of Gujarat, Paran—Western side; Anartan—the province of Dwarka, Bhargava—Oh Sounaka, Upagachhat—overtaken by, Sranta—fatigue, Baha—the horses, Managbibho—slightly on account of long journey.
Oh Sounaka, the Lord then began to proceed on towards Kurujangal, Panchal, Surasena, the land on the bank of river Yamuna, Brahmabarta, Kurukshetra, Matsa, Saraswat, the province of desert and the land of scanty water. After crossing these provinces He gradually reached the Soubira and Abhira provinces and west of these at Dwarka at last.
The provinces passed over by the Lord in those days were differently-named but the direction given is sufficient to indicate that He travelled through Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Sourastra, Gujarat and at last He reached the home province at Dwarka. We do not gain any profit simply by researching the analogous province of those days up to now but it appears that the Desert of Rajasthan and the provinces of scanty water like Madhya Pradesh etc. were still there present even before five thousands of years before. The theory by soil experts that the desert developed in the recent years is not supported by the statements of Bhagwatam. We may leave the matter for expert geologist to make research in the matter because the changing universe has different phases of historical development. We are satisfied that the Lord has now reached His own province Dwarkadhama, from Kuru provinces. The Kurukshetra is continuing to exist since the Vedic age and it is sheer foolishness to wipe out the existence of Kurukshetra by fassionable interpretors.