SB 1.12.3 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 3
Tad idam srotum ichhamo gaditum yadi manyase. Bruhi nah sraddhadhanam yasya jnanam adat suka.
Tad—all, Idam—this, Srotum—to hear, Ichhamo—all willing, Gaditum—to narrate, Yadi—if, Manyase—you think, Bruhi—please speak, Nah—we, Sraddadhanam—who are very much respectful, Yasya—whose, Jnanam—knowledge transcendental, Adat—delivered, Suka—Sri Sukdeva Goswami.
We are all very much respectful in the matter of hearing about him (Maharaj Parikshit) who was imparted knowledge transcendental by Sukadeva Goswami and as such if you please speak on the matter.
Sukadeva Goswami imparted knowledge transcendental to Maharaj Parikshit during the remaining seven days of his life and Maharaj Parikshit heard him properly just like an ardent student and the effect of such bonafide hearing and chanting of Srimad Bhagwatam was equally shared by both the hearer and the chanter. Both of them were benefitted. Out of the nine different transcendental means of devotional service of the Lord prescribed in the Bhagawatam, either all of them or some of them or even one of them, all are equally beneficial if they are properly discharged. Maharaj Parikshit and Sukdeva Goswami both of them were serious performers of the first two important items namely the process of chanting and the process of hearing and therefere, both of them were successful in their laudable attempt. Transcendental realisation is attained by such serious hearing and chanting and not otherwise. There is a set of Spiritual Master(?) and disciple much advertised in this age of Kali and it is said about them that the master injected spiritual force up to the disciple by electrical current generated by the master and the disciple began to feel the shock actually so that he became unconscious; and the master was weeping for his becoming pauper on account of his exhausting the store of so called spiritual assets. Such bogus advertisement is going on in this age and the poor common man is becoming the victim of such illegitimate advertisement. We do not find such folk-tales in the matter of dealings of Sukdeva Gosvami and his great disciple Maharaj Parikshit. The sage recited Srimad Bhagwatam in devotion and the great King heard him properly. The King did not feel any shock of electrical current from the master neither the disciple became unconscious while receiving knowledge from the master. One should not, therefore, become victim of these unauthorised advertisements by some bogus representative of Vedic(?) knowledge. The sages of the Naimisaranya were very much respectful in the matter of hearing about Maharaj Parikshit on account of his receiving knowledge from Sukadeva Goswami by means of ardent hearing. Ardent hearing from the bonafide master is the only way of receiving transcendental knowledge and there is no other medical performances or mysticism for miraculous effect. The process is simple and only the sincere party can achieve the desired result.