SB 1.13.37 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 37
Sanjaya uvacha: Na aham veda byavasitam pitror bah kulanandana Gandharya va mahabaho mushito asmi mahatmabhih.
Na—not, Aham—myself, Veda—in knowledge, Byavasitam—determination, Pitror—of your uneles, Bah—your, Kulanandana—oh the descendant of the Kuru dynasty, Gandharya—by Gandhari, Va—or, Mahabaho—Oh the great king, Mushito—cheated, Asmi—I have been, Mahatmabhih—great souls.
Sanjaya said, 'My dear descendant of the Kuru dynasty, I have no information about the determination of your two uncles as well as of Gandhari. Oh the great King, I have been cheated by those great souls'
Great souls cheating others may be astonishing to know but it is a fact that great souls cheat others for a great cause. It is said Lord Krishna also advised Yudhisthira to tell a lie before Dronacharya and it was also for a great cause. The Lord wanted it, therefore it was a great cause. Satisfaction of the Lord is the criterion of the bonafides and the highest perfection of life is to satisfy the Lord by one's occupational duty. That is the verdict of Geeta and Bhagwatam.* Dhritarastra and Vidhura followed by Gandhari did not disclose their determination to Sanjaya although he was constantly with Dhritarasta as his personal assistant. Sanjaya never thought of it that Dhritarastra could perform any act without consulting him. But the subject matter of Dhritarastra's going away from home was so confidential that it could not even be disclosed to Sanjaya. Sanatan Goswami also cheated the keeper of the prison-house while going away for seeing Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and similarly Raghunath Das Goswami also cheated his priest and went away from home for good for the cause of satisfying the Lord. For satisfying the Lord anything is good in relation with the Absolute Truth. We also had the same opportunity for cheating the family members and come out of home for being engaged in the service of Srimad Bhagwatam. Such cheating to the family members was necessary for a great cause and there is no loss for any party implicated in such transcendental fraud.