SB 1.16.4 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 4
Nijagraha ojasa virah kalim digvi jeye kwacnit Nripalingadharam sudram ghnantam gomithunam pada.
Nijagraha—sufficiently punished, Ojasa—by prowess, Virah—valient hero, Kalim—unto kali the master of the age, Digvijaye—on his way for conquering the world, Kwachit—once upon a time, Nripalingadharam—one who passes on in the dress of a king, Sudram—the lower class, Ghnantam—hurting, Gomithunam—a pair of cow and bull, Pada—by the leg.
Once upon a time when Maharaj Parikshit was on his way to conquering the world he saw the master of Kali Age as lower as a Sudra but in the dress of a king hunting a pair of cow and bull by the leg. The king at once caught hold of him and suficiently punished.
The purpose of a king's going out for conquering the world is not for self-aggrandisement. Maharaj Parikshit went out for conquering the world after his ascendance on the throne, was not for the purpose of aggression on other states. He was the emperor of the world and all small states were already under his regime. His purpose of going out for conquering the world was to see how things were going on in terms of Godly-state. The king being the representative of the Lord, he has to execute the will of the Lord duly and there was no question of self-aggrandisement. As such Maharaj Parikshit as soon as, saw it that a lower class man in the dress of a king was hurting by leg to the pair of cow and bull at once he arrested him and punished. The king cannot tolerate insult to the most important animal the cow as much as he cannot tolerate disrespect for the most important man the Brahmin. Human civilization means to advance the cause of Brahminical culture and to maintain it, protection of cows is essential. There is a miracle in the milk as it contains all the necessary vitamines for sustaining the human physiological conditions for higher achievements. Brahminical culture can only be advanced when man is educated to develop the quality of goodness and for this there is prime necessity of foodstuff prepared with milk, fruits and grains. Maharaj Parikshit was astonished to see that a black Sudra dressed himself like a ruler but was attempting to insult the cow the most important animal in the human society.
The age of Kali means mismanagement and quarrel. And the root cause of all mismanagement and quarrel is that worthless men qualified with the modes of lower class of men, without any higher ambition of life becomes on the helm of the state management to represent falsely the ruler. Such lower class of man on the post of a king is sure to hurt first the cow and the Brahminical culture and thereby to push the whole society towards hell. Maharaj Parikshit, trained up as he was, got scent of this root cause of all quarrel in the world and thus he wanted to stop it in the very beginning of the affairs.