SB 1.17.26 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 26
Idam bhumir bhagawata nyasito uru bhara rati Srimadhis tat padanybsaih sarvatah krita koutuka.
Idam—this, Bhumir—surface of the earth, Bhagawata—by the Personality of Godhead, Nyasito—being performed personally as well as by others, Uuru—great, Bhara—burden, Sati—being so done, Srimadbhis—by the all a auspicious, Tat—that, Padanyasaih—by foot prints, Sarvatah—all round, Krita—done, Koutuka—auspiciousness.
By the Personality of Godhead the burden on the face of the globe was certainly diminished by Himself and by others induced by Him and when He was present as incarnatian by the movements of His auspicious foot prints all round auspiciousness was duly performed.