SB 1.17.43-44 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXTS No.'s 43 & 44
Sa esa etarhi adhyasta asanam parthivochitam Pitamohena upanyastam rajna aranyam vivikshata. Aste adhuna sa rajarshih kourevendra sriot lasan, Gjahvaye mahabhagas chakra varti vrihachhavah.
Sa—he, Esa—this, Etarhi—at the present, Adhyasta—is ruling over, Asanam—the throne, Parthivochitam—just befitting a king, Pita mohena—by the grandfather, Upanyasta—being handed over, Rajna—by the king, Aranyam—forest, Vivikshatam—desiring for, Aste—is there, Adhuna—at present, Sa—that, Rajarshih—the sage amongst the kings, Kouravendra—the chief amongst the Kuru-kings, Sriot—glories, Lasan—spreading over, Gajvhaye—in the Hastinapur, Mahabhagas—the most fortunate, Chakravarty—the emperor, Vrichhava—highly famous.
The most fortunate emperor Maharaj Parikshit who was entrusted with the Kingdom of Hastinapur by Maharaj Yudhisthir while he desired to retire for going in the forest, is now ruling over the world with great success on account of being glorified by the deeds of the kings of Kuru dynasty.
The prolonged sacrificial ceremonies undertaken by the sages of Naimisaranya was begun a very little after the demise of Maharaj Parikshit. The sacrifice was to continue for one thousand of years and it is understood that in the beginning some of the contemporaries of Valadeva the elder brother of Lord Krishna also visited the sacrificial place. According to some authorities present tense is also used in terms of nearest margin of time from the past. In that sense present tense in the matter of reign of Maharaj Parikshit is mentioned here. For a continuous fact also present tense can be used. The principle of Maharaj Parikshit can be still continued and improvement of the human society can still be done if there is factual determination of the authorities concerned. We can still purge out, from the state, all the activities of immorality introduced by the personality of Kali, if we are determined to take action like Maharaj Parikshit. He allotted some places for Kali but in fact Kali could not find out such places in the world at all because Maharaj Parikshit was strictly vigilant to see that there were no places for gambling, drinking, prostitution and slaughtering of animals. Modern administrators want to banish corruption from the state but fools as they are, they do not know how to do it. They want to issue licence for gambling houses, wine and other intoxicating drugs houses, brothels and prostitution in the hotels and cinema houses and falsity in every dealings even in their own and they want at the same time to drive out corruption from the state. They want kingdom of God without God consciousness. How it could be possible to adjust two contradictory matters? If we want to drive out corruption from the state we must first of all organise society for accepting the principles of religiosities namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness and to make the condition favorable we must close all places for gambling, drinking, prostitution and falsism. These are some of the practical lessons from the pages of Srimad Bhagwatam.