SB 1.18.42 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 42
Na vai nribhir naradevam parakhyam Sammatum arhasi abipakka buddhe Yat tejasa durvisahena gupta Vindanti bhadrani akutobhayah parajash.
Na—never, Vai—as a matter of fact, Nribhir—by any man, Naradevam—unto humanly God, Parakhyam—who is transcendental, Sammatum—place on equal footing, Arhasi—deserve, Abipakka—unripe or immature, Buddhe—intelligence, Sat—by whose, Tejasa—by the prowess, Durvisahena—unsurpassable, Gupta—protected, Vindanti—enjoys, Bhadrani—all prosperities, Akutobhayo—completely defended, Prajah—the subjects.
Oh my boy, you are completely immature intelligently and therefore you have no knowledge that the king who, is the best amongst the human beings, is as good as the Personality of Godhead and therefore he is never to be placed on equal footing with other common man. The citizens of the state do live in all prosperity being protected by him by his unsurpassable prowess.