SB 1.18.4 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 4
Na uttamasloka vartanam jusatam tat kathamritam Syat sambhramo auto kale api smarartam tat padambujam.
Na—never, Uttamasloka—the Personality of Godhead who is sung by the Vedic hymns. Vartaanam—of those who live on them, Jusatam—of them who are engaged in, Tat-His, Kathamritam—transcendental topics about Him, Syat—it so happens, Sambhramo—misconception, Unto—at the end, Kale—in time, Api—Also, Smaranam—remembering, Tat—His, Padambujam—lotus feet.
It is so because those who have made their life's business to liue on the transcendental topics of the Personality of Godhead sung by the Vedic hymns and thus be constantly engaged in remembering the lotus feet of the Lord, do not have any chance of misconception even at the last moment of the end of life.
The highest perfection of life is attained by remembering the transcendental nature of the Lord at the last moment of one's life. This perfection of life is made possible by one who has learnt about the actual transcendental nature of the Lord from the Vedic hymns sung by a liberated soul like Sukadeva Goswami or some body in that line of disciplic succession. There is no gain by hearing the Vedic hymns from some mental speculator. When the same is heard from an actual self realised soul and is properly under stood by service and submission the whole thing becomes transparently clear before a submissive disciple and thus he is able to live on it transcendentally and continue the same to the last point of the end of life. By scientific adaptation one is able to remember the Lord even at the end of life when the power of remembrance is slackened due to derangement of bodily membrane. For a common man it is very difficult to remember things as they are at the time of death, but by the Grace of the Lord and His bonafide devotees the spiritual masters one can get this opportunity of life without any difficulty. And it is was done in the case of Maharaj Parikshit.