SB 1.18.7 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 7
Na anudwesti kalim samrat saramga iva sarabhuk Kusalani asu sidhanti netarani kritani yat.
Na—never, Anudwesti—necessarily grudges, Kalim—unto the personality of Kali, Samarat—the emperor, Saramgo—realist like the bees, Iva—like, Sarabhuk—one who accepts the substance, Kusalani—auspicious objects, Asu—immediately, Sidhyanti—become successful, Na—never, Itarani—which are inauspicious, Kritani—being performed, Yat—as and as.
Maharaj Parikshit was realist as the bees who are apt to accept the essence only. He knew it perfectly well that in this age of kali auspicious things produce good effects immediately while the opposite number acts when actually performed. So he was never envious unto the personality of Kali.
The age of Kali is called in other words the fallen age. In this fallen age on account of the living being's having been fallen in an awkward position the Supreme Lord has given some special facilities to them in this age. So by the will of the Lord a living being does not become a victim of sinful act until one actually performs the same. In other ages simply by thinking of doing a sinful act one used to become a victim of the act. On the contrary a living being, in this age it is awarded with the result of pious acts simply by thinking of it Maharaj Parikshit being the most learned and experienced king by the Grace of the Lord, he was not unnecessarily envious of the personality of Kali, because he had in his mind not to give any chance to him for performing any sinful act. He protected his subjects from falling a prey to the sinful acts of the age of Kali and at the same time he gave full facility to the age of Kali by allotting him some particular places. As we will have it at the end of the Srimad Bhagwatam it is said there that inspite of all nefarious activities of the personality of Kali, there is a great advantage of the age of Kali that one can attain salvation simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord. As such the King Parikshit Maharaj made organised effort to propagate chanting of the holy name of the Lord and thus he saved the citizens from the clutches of the Kali. It is for this advantage only sometimes great sages wish all good for the age of Kali. In the Vedas also it is said that by discourse of Lord Krishna's activities one can get rid of all disadvantages of the age of Kali. In the beginning of the Srimad Bhagwatam it is also said that recitation of Srimad Bhagwatam the Supreme Lord becomes at once arrested within one's heart. These are some of the great advantages of the age of Kali and Maharaj Parikshit took all the advantages and did not think any ill of the age of the Kali, true to his Vaishnavite cult.