SB 1.19.22 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 22
Ashrutya tad rishigana vachah parikshit Samam madhuchyud guruchaavyalikam. Abhasato enan abhinandya yuktan Susrusomanas charitani vishnoh.
Ashrutya—just after hearing, Tad—that, Rishiganah—the sages assembled, Vachas—speaking, Parikshit—Maharaj Parikshit, Samam—impartial, Madhuchyud—sweet to hear, Guru—grave, Cha—also, Avyalikam—perfectly true, Abhasato—said, Enan—all of them, Yuktam—correctly represented, Susrusamanas—being desireous, Charitani—activities of, Vishnoh—the personality of Godhead.
All that was spoken by the great sages were very sweet to hear, full of meaning and appropriately represented as perfectly true. So after hearing them Maharaj Parikshit congratulated the great sages being desireous of hearing the activities of Lord Sri Krishna the Personality of Godhead.