SB 1.19.29 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 29
Sa vishnurato atithaya agataya Tasmai saparyam sirasa jahara. Tato nivritta hi abudhah striyo arbhaka Mahasane sa upavivesha pujitah.
Sa—he, Vishnurata—Maharaj Praikshit (who is always protected by the Lord Vishnu), Atithaya—to become a guest, Agataya—one who arrived there, Tasmai—un to him, Saparyam—with all body, Sirasa—with his head down, Jahara—offered obeisances, Tato—there after, Nivritta—ceased, Hi—certainly, Abudha—less intelligent, Striya—women, Arbhaka—boys, Mahasane—exhalted seat, Sa—he, Upavisvesha—sat down, Pujitah—being respected.
Maharaj Parikshit who is also known as the Vishnurata, then bowed down with his head to receive the chief guest Sukdeva Goswami. At that time all less intelligent women and boys ceased to follow him and thus being respected by all, Sukdeva Goswami took his exhalted seat.
On arrival of Sukdeva Goswami in the meeting everyone of them except Srila Vyasadeva, Narada and few others, stood up from their seats and Maharaj Parikshit was too glad to receive a great devotee of the Lord and thus he bowed down before him with all the limbs of his body. Sukadeva Goswami also exchanged the greetings and reception by embrace, shaking of hand, nodding and bowing down specially before his father and Narada Muni and thus he was offered the presidential seat in the meeting. When he was so being received by the king and the sages the street boys and the less intelligent women who followed him, were struck with wonder and were afraid of them. So they retired from their frivolous activities and everything was full of gravity clam quiteness.