SB 1.19.2 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 2
Dhruvam tato me kritadeva helanat Duratyam vyasanam na ati deerghat Tad astu kamam hi agha niskrifaya me Yatha na kuryam punar evam addha.
Dhruvam—sure and certain, Tato—therefore, Me—mine, Kritadevahelanat—on account of disobeying the orders of the Lord, Duratyayam—very difficult, Vyasanam—calamity, Na—not, Ati—greatly, Deerghat—far off, Tad—that, Astu—let it be, Kamam—desire without any hitch, Hi—certainly, Agha—sins, Niskritaya—for getting free, Me—mine, Yatha—so that, Na—never, Kuryam—shall I do it, Punar—again, Evam—as I have done, Addha—directly.
On account of my neglecting the injunctions of the Supreme Lord certainly I must expect something very difficult to over come in the near future. So I desire to have it directly without any hitch for getting myself freed from the sinful action so that I may not do so again.
The injunction of the Supreme Lord is that the Brahmins and the cow must be given all protection. The Lord is Himself very much inclined to do good to the Brahmins and the cows at the first instance (Go brahmana hitaya cha.) Maharaj Parikshit knew all these very wisely and thus he concluded that his insulting a powerful Brahmin was certainly to be reacted by the Laws of the Lord and as such he was expecting, something very difficult to overcome was awaiting him, within very near future. He therefore desired the imminent calamity directly on him and not on the persons of his family members. For a man's personal misconduct affects the whole faimly members and therefore Maharaj Parikshit desired it directly upon him. He was certain that some calamity was pending upon them and thus desired without any hitch to get it himself. And by such sufferings personally be would be restrained from doing such nonsense in future and at the same time the sin which he had committed would be counteracted so that his descendants may not be suffering. That is the way of thinking for a responsible devotee. The family members a of devotee also share the effects of a devotee's service unto the Lord. The evidence is Maharaj Prahlad who saved his demon father by his personal devotional service. A devotee son in the family is the greatest boon or blessing of the Lord.