SB 1.19.34 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No 34
Sannidhyat te mahayogin patakani mahanti api Sadyo nasyanti Vai punsam Vishnor ivc suretarah.
Sannidhyat—on account of proximity, Te—your, Mahayogin—oh the great mystic, Patakani—sins, Mahanti—invulnerable, Api—inspite of, Sadyo—forthwith, Nasyanti—vanquished, Vai—certainly, Punsam—of a person, Visnor—like the proximity of the Personality of Godhead, Iva—like, Suretaran—other than the demi-gods.
"As the atheist cannot stay in the presenmce of the Personality of Godhead so also invulnerable sfns of a person are forthwith vanquished in the presence of you saints, oh the great mystic."
There are two classes of human beings namely the atheist and the devotee of the Lord. The devotee of the Lord on account of manifesting godly qualilies, is called the demigod whereas the atheist is called the demon. The demon cannot stand in the presence of Vishnu the Personality of Godhead. The demons are always busy in the matter of vanquishing the Personality of Godhead but factually as soon as the Personality of Godhead appears either by his transcendental Name, Form, Attributes, Pastimes, Paraphernalia and variegatedness, the unbeliever demon is at once vanquished. It is said by the common man that a ghost cannot remain as soon as the holy name of the lord is chanted. The great saints and devotees of the Lord are in the list of his paraphernalia; and as such, as soon as such saintly devotee is present, the ghost like sins at once become vanquished. That is the verdict of all Vedic literatures. One is recommended, therefore, to associate with such saintly devotee only so that the worldly demons and ghosts cannot exert their sinister influence upon such associates.