SB 1.4.15 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 15
Sa kadachit upsprishya sarasatya jalam suchi Vivivkta eka ashina udite rabimandale.
Sa—he, Kadachit—sometimes, Upsprishya—after finishing morning abolutions, Sarasatya—on the bank of the Saraswati, Jalam—water, Suchi—being purified, Vivivkta—concentration, Eka—alone, Ashina—being thus seated, Udite—on the rise, Rabimandale—of the sun disc.
Once upon a time He (Vyasdeva) on the rise of the sun disc took His morning abolution in the water of the Saraswati and became alone for concentration sitting
The river Saraswati is flowing in the Badarikashram area of the Himalyas. So the place indicated here is Samyaprash in Badarikasharam where Sri Vyasdeva is residing.