SB 1.10.9-10 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXTS No.'s 9 & 10
Subhadra droupadi kunti viratatanaya tatha Gandhari dhritarastrascha yuyutsur gaoutamo yamou.
Brikodarascha dhoumyas cha strio matsasutadayah Na sehire vimuhyanto viraham sarnga dhanwanah.
Subhadra—sister of Krishna, Droupadi—wife of the Pandavas, Kunti—mother of the Pandavas, Viratatanaya—daughter of Virat (Uttara), Tatha—also, Gandhari—mother of Duryodhone, Dhritarastra—Father of Duryodhone, Cha—and, Yuyutsu—son of Dhritarastra by his Vaishya wife, Goutamo—Kripacharya, Yamou—twin brothers Nakula and Sahadeva, Brikodara—Bhima, Dhoumya—of the name, Cha—and, Strio—also other ladies of the palace, matsasutadaya—the daughter of a fisherman Satyavati (Bhisma's step mother), Na—could not, Sehire-tolerate, Vimuhyanto—almost fainting, Viraha—separation, Sarngdhanwanah—of Shri Krishna who bears a conch in His hand.
At that time Subhadra, Droupadi, Kunti, Uttara, Gandhari, Dhritarashtra, Yuyutsu, Kripacharya, Nakula, Sahadeva, Bhimsain, Dhoumya and Satyavati all of them became almost faintly because it was impossible for them to bear the separation of Lord Krishna.
Lord Sri Krishna is so attractive for the living beings specially for the devotees of the Lord that it is impossible for them to tolerate the separation. The conditioned soul under the spell of illusory energy only forgets the Lord, otherwise cannot. The feeling of such separation cannot be described but it can simply be imagined by similar devotees only how impossible it is to do such things. Lord Krishna, after His separation from Vrindaban from the innocent rural cowherd boys, girls, ladies and others all of them felt the shock throughout the life and the separation of Radharani the most beloved cowherd girl is beyond expression. Once they met at Kurukshetra during solar eclipse and the feeling which was expressed by them is heartrendering. There is of course difference of the degree of transcendental devotees of the Lord but yet none of them, who have ever contacted with the Lord by direct communion or otherwise, can leave Him for a moment. That is the attitude of the pure devotee.