SB 1.13.49 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 49
So 'ayam adya maharaja bhagawan bhutabhavanah Kalarupa avateerna' asyam abhavaya suradvisam.
Sa—that Supreme Lord, Ayam—the Lord Sri Krishna, Maharaja—oh the King, Adya—at present, Bhagawan—the Personality of Godhead, Bhutabhavanah—the creator or the Father of everything created, Kalarupa—in the disguise of devouring time, Avateerna—descended, Asyam—of the world, Abhavaya—for eleminating, Suradvisam—of those who are against the will of the Lord.
That Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna Kalarupa-in the disguise of Kala has now at the present moment descended on the earth for eleminating the envious from this world.
There are two classes of human beings namly the envious and the obedient. The Supreme Lord being one and the Father of all living beings, the envious living beings are also His sons but they are known as the Ashuras. But the living beings who are obedient to the Supreme Father are called Devatas or the demigods because such living beings are not contaminated by the material conception of life. The Ashuras are not only envious of the Lord in the matter of even denying the existence of the Lord, but also be come envious of all other living beings. Such predominance of the Ashuras in the world is occasionally rectified by the Lord by eliminating them from the world and by establishing the rule of Devatas like the Pandavas. His designation as the Kala in disguise is significant. He is not at all dangerous but He is transcendental Form of eternity, knowledge and bliss. For the devotees His factual Form is disclosed and for the non devotees He appears like the talarupa which is causal Form. This causal Form of the Lord is not at all pleasing to the Ashuras and therefore they think of the Lord as formless in order to feel a self complacence in the matter of not being vanquished by the Lord.