SB 1.13.50 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 50
Nispcditam devakrityam avasesam pratikshate Tavat yuyam avekashadhwa bhavet yavat iha iswarah.
Nispaditam—performed, Devakrityam—what was to be done on behalf of the demigods, Avasesam—the rest, Pratikshate—being awaited, Tavat—up to that time, Yuyam—you all the Pandavas, Avekashadhwa—observe and wait, Yavat—as long as, Iha—in this world, Iswarah—the Supreme Lord.
The Lord has already performed His duties to help the demigods and the rest is being awaited by Him. You Pandavas may wait so long as the Lord is here on this earth.
The Lord descends from His abode (Krishnaloka) the topmost planet in the spiritual sky in order to help the demigod administrators of this material world when they are too much vexed by the Ashuras who are not only envious of the Lord but also of His devotees. As referred to above the conditioned living beings contact material association by their own choice dictated by a strong desire to Lord it over the resources of the material world and desire to become imitation Lord of all they survey; and everyone is trying to become an imitation God, there is keen competition amongst such imitation gods and such competitors are generally known as Ashuras. When there are too many Ashurs in the world then it becomes a hell for those who are devotees of the Lord. Due to the growth of the Ashuras the mass of people who are generally devoted to the Lord by nature and the pure devotees of the Lord including the demigods in higher planets pray to the Lord for relief and the Lord either descends personally from His abode or deputes some of his devotees to remodel the fallen condition of the human society or even the animal society. Such disruptions take place not only in the human society but also in the animal, birds or other living beings including the demigods in the higher planets. Lord Sri Krishna descended personally on account of vanquishing the then Ashuras like Kansa, Jarasandha, Sisupala etc., and during the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthir almost all the above mentioned Ashuras were killed by the Lord and now he was awaiting the annihilation of His own dynasty called the Yadubansas who appeared by His will in this world and He wanted to take them away also before His own departure to His eternal abode. Narada like Vidura did not disclose the imminent annihilation of the Yadu dynasty but indirectly gave hint to the King and his brothers to wait till the incident happens and the Lord departs.