SB 1.5.2 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 2
Narada Uvacha Parasharya mahabhaga bhavatah kachid atmana Pritushyati Sharira atma manasa ebaba.
Narada—of the name, Uvacha—said, Parashrya—oh the son, of Parashara, Mababhaga—the great fortunate, Bhavath—your, Kachid—if it is, Atmana—by the self realisation of, Paritushyati—does it satisfy, Sharira—identifying the body, Atma—self, Manasa—identifying the mind, Eba—certainly, Cha—and.
Addressing Vyasdeva, the son of Parashara, Narada enquired whether yourself is satisfied by identifying the body or the mind as the object of self realisation?
This was a hint by Narada to Vyasadeva about the cause of his despondency. Vyasdeva, as the descendant of Parashara a great powerful sage, has the privilege of having a great parentage which should not have given Vyasdeva cause of despondency. The great son of a great father as He was, He should not have identified the self with the body or the mind. Ordinary men with poor fund of knowledge identify the body as self or the mind as self but Vyasdeva should not have done like that. One cannot be cheerful by nature unless one is factually seated in the matter of self realisation which is transcendental to the material body and the mind.